Service Package

How to create a Service Package?

  1. Go to Service Package
  2. Click on + Create Service Package button
  3. Fill in all information (Select Host, Service Package Name, choose Package Type & Apply Units)
  4. Select a Service Package & insert Share Percentage amount
  5. Edit Expenses & Income sharing rules from Expenses Setting & Charges (Income) setting
  6. Choose a Payout Calculation Method & date to start month’s payout calculation
  7. Click Create
    Notes: May hide Payout calendar from Payout Configuration.

How do I update/edit Service Package?

  1. Go to Service Package
  2. Select a Package Name to edit
  3. Update content & click Save


How to insert monthly utilities bills?

  1. Preset/Fixed (Fixed Operational Cost)
    Go to Listing then update from Unit
  2. Variable (Expenses)
    Go to Expenses, select month & click Update

How do I update/edit Service Package?

  1. Go to Service Package
  2. Select a Package Name to edit
  3. Update content & click Save

How to insert extra expenses?

  1. Go to Expenses
  2. Select a month
  3. Click on Update button
  4. Insert expenses amount
  5. Click Save


How to download monthly report for owner?

  1. Go to Payout
  2. Select month and owner name
  3. Click on Invoice Payout button
  4. Click on the print/download button from top right

Why is the owner unable to view Payout after login?

  1. Listing not assign with owner account
  2. Listing not assign with any Service Package
  3. Go to the Listing and Service Package to double-check & assign accordingly

Why did the fixed operation costs didn’t calculated for some reservation?

  1. Go to Service Package
  2. Go to Charges (Income) Setting
  3. Check on the Fixed Operation Costs
    E.g.: cleaning fee is bear by Host/Owner/Shared