
How to download check-in/check out list?

  1. Go to Overview
  2. Choose Guest Check-in/Check-out/Currently Hosting
  3. View by page or click on the print icon to download
    Notes: It’ll export to Excel File

How to contact guests with WhatsApp in HostPlatform?

  1. Go to Overview
  2. Click on the guest’s phone number, it will direct to your WhatsApp

Booking Form

Why does the unit not appear after select dates?

  1. Go to Multi Calendar
  2. Double-check if the date is booked by guests/zero inventory on that date

How to insert offline/walk in booking?

  1. Go to Booking Form
  2. Fill in Booking Details, Guest Details and Other Charges
  3. Double-check Payment Details (Right-hand side)
  4. Click on Book Now
  5. Double-check if the reservation appears in the Multi Calendar

How to block dates from booking form?

  1. Go to Booking Form
  2. Select Date Range
  3. Select Room type and Listing
  4. Choose Blocked under Booking Type
  5. Click on Book now

How to collect/refund deposit?

  1. Go to Reservation
  2. Select a reservation
  3. Click Refund button from Payment Details

Multi Calendar

How to create an offline booking?

  1. Go to Multi Calendar
  2. Select date range
  3. Click Create Reservation (It will direct to Booking Form)

How to update reservation status?

  1. Go to Multi Calendar
  2. Click on the reservation
  3. Click on View Booking
  4. Update Status under Reservation Details  (Awaiting payment, Cancel, Checked-in, Checked-out, etc…)
  5. Reservation will change to different colour according to the status, may check the legend from Multi Calendar (Upper right-hand side)

How to block dates?

  1. Go to Multi Calendar
  2. Double click on the date
  3. Select Block DateBlock
  4. Put a Remark if needed
    Notes: Must be same row with listing to block date. 

How to block dates for maintenance?

  1. Go to Multi Calendar
  2. Double click on the date
  3. Select Block DateMaintenance
  4. Put a Remark if needed
    Notes: Must be same row with listing to block date. 

How to update room rates/pricing?

  1. Go to Multi Calendar
  2. Select property and unit
  3. Select date range
  4. Click Set Prices
  5. Select an OTA
  6. Override the price
  7. Click Save


  1. Go to Multi Calendar
  2. Click on Rate Update Wizard
  3. Select date range & days of the week
  4. Select Room Type & Units Applied
  5. Insert room rate
  6. Click Save

How to add additional charges to existing reservations in Multi Calendar?

  1. Click on the reservation
  2. Select View Booking
  3. Go to Transactions
  4. Add ‘Charges type
  5. Insert amount then Create Charges
  6. Click Save

How to group booking through booking websites?

  1. Search one state (Pahang, Malacca…)
  2. Select date range 
  3. Click on the search button
  4. Click on the add to booking for the listings you would like to book 
  5. Go to upper right My Booking, may remove or confirm the booking
  6. Double-check if the reservations appear in the Multi Calendar


How to add additional charges to existing reservations?

  1. Go to Reservation
  2. Select a reservation
  3. Go to Transactions
  4. Select Charges
  5. Add ‘Charges type
  6. Insert amount & Create Charges
  7. Click Save

How to download a reservation report?

  1. Go to Reservation
  2. Click on Download CSV
  3. Select Check-In Date Range
  4. Click Download CSV

How to download/print reservation Invoice/Quotation/Guest Registration Card/Refund Deposit?

  1. Go to Reservation 
  2. Filter and select a reservation
  3. Click the download icon under Receipt column


  1. Select a reservation
  2. Click the download icon from Payment Details

How to delete reservations?

  1. Go to Reservation
  2. Select a reservation
  3. Scroll to the bottom and click on Delete button

Rate Modifier

How to use a Rate Modifier?

  1. Go to Rate Modifier
  2. Click on + Create Rate Modifier
  3. Fill up the rate information (Host Name, Rate Name & Rate Modifier)
  4. Click Create

How to add an offline booking discount?

  1. Go to Rate Modifier
  2. Click on + Create Rate Modifier
  3. Fill in Host Name, Rate Name and Rate Modifier
  4. Then click on Create
  5. Go to Booking Form
  6. Select Date Range, Property, Room Type and Unit Listing
  7. Select a discount from Room Rate Modifier
  8. Proceed next to Guests Details
  9. Double-check if the amount is correct on Payment Details (Right-hand side)


How to upload a company logo?

  1. Go to Host
  2. Click on the Host Name
  3. Scroll to the bottom & Upload Host Logo
    Notes: Do remember to click save after updating.


How to make payment for HostPlatform subscription bill?

  1. Go to Billing
  2. Click on the ‘eye feature’ under Action
  3. Scroll to the bottom, click on the PDF to double-check Invoice details
  4. Select Make Payment via Credit Card or Make Payment via FPX

How to download HostPlatform payment invoice?

  1. Go to Billing
  2. Click on the ‘eye feature’ under Action
  3. Scroll to the bottom and click on the PDF to download


How do I create a user/owner/operator account?

  1. Go to Users
  2. Click on Create User
  3. Fill up all details as required
  4. Select User’s Role Type
  5. Edit permission for the user
  6. Click on Create
    Notes: For Operators, you need to choose/update permission role/module. 

How to update Users permissions?

  1. Go to Users
  2. Select a user account
  3. Scroll to the bottom & update user permission from the Module category 
  4. Click Save
    Notes: Untick the feature that you prefer not to be seen by this user

How to update User’s Role Type?

  1. Go to Users
  2. Select a user account
  3. Update User’s Role Type
  4. Double-check Module & click Save

Could I give permission for owners to view reservations? (Not only Payout)

  1. Yes, may create an Operator account for owner
    Notes: Owner will be able to see the other listing information.


How to update unit number/room type name/property name?

  1. Go tot Listing
  2. Select & click into a unit
  3. Update information from Unit/Room Type/Property

    : Do remember to click save after you update in each option.
    E.g. Info updates under unit, scroll to the bottom and save under unit.
    Changes will not be saved/updated in HostPlatform if save in different module.

How to update max occupancy amount?

  1. Go to Listing
  2. Choose a unit
  3. Click on Room Type
  4. Update Max occupancy under Basic Information
  5. Scroll to the bottom & Save under Room Type

    : Do remember to click save after you update in each option.
    E.g. Info updates under unit, scroll to the bottom and save under unit.
    Changes will not be saved/updated in HostPlatform if save in different module.

How to insert Fixed Operation Costs?

  1. Go to Listing
  2. Select a unit
  3. Insert amount in Fixed Operation Costs based on: Days of reservations, Based on reservations, Based on months
    E.g. Internet (Based on months)
    E.g. Cleaning fee (Based on reservation)
  4. Scroll to the bottom & Save under unit

    : Do remember to click save after you update in each option.
    E.g. Info updates under unit, scroll to the bottom and save under unit.
    Changes will not be saved/updated in HostPlatform if save in different module.

How to create a new listing? (Unit/Room type/Property)

  1. Go to Listing
  2. Click on Create Listing button
  3. Fill in host, property, room types and unit details
    Notes: Only click on create once to prevent double create listing.

How to move/change/update units to a different room type?

  1. Go to Listing
  2. Select a unit
  3. Click Change Room Type
  4. Select a new room type from the dropdown list
  5. Click Save


How to download reporting?

  1. Go to Reporting
  2. Go to Download column
  3. Select a category (monthly revenue/expenses/profit) & click Fetch
  4. Click again Fetch to download the report in CSV file